Some people are STUPID... Seems like I keep saying this more and more...


Nov 25, 2015
I was reading the news just now, and saw where a bunch of people in North Carolina decided to pull two baby bear cubs out of a tree and take selfies and pet it like a baby in their arms. These bears are now orphaned since they can't be put back...
I guess they've never heard about a parent protecting their young... That whole group could have been savagely attacked by the mama. What a bunch of morons... Fecking ejeets
No doubt you will be duly pleased to know that the lineage appears secure…. We have a juvenile sea lion on a beach here in moulting phase right now. Among various onlookers one parent was observed trying to coax his young child into petting the sea lion on the nose so he could get a picture.
Stupidity is universal, especially under less educated folks.
My daughter rescued a starling with a broken wing and leg last week. Took it to a wildlife rescue place. I’d not have looked twice at that bird. But she credited ME with her concern for it.

I try not to judge the world by the stories that are told by a media incentivized by ad revenue.

A story about a kid from a third world country moving to the US, achieving high honors throughout her high school and college years, traveling to 9 countries by herself, participating in high profile artistic efforts for her community, and saving an injured starling in a parking lot don’t get much play with todays news outlets.

There’s plenty of good out there in the world if we look for it.
My daughter rescued a starling with a broken wing and leg last week. Took it to a wildlife rescue place. I’d not have looked twice at that bird. But she credited ME with her concern for it.

I try not to judge the world by the stories that are told by a media incentivized by ad revenue.

A story about a kid from a third world country moving to the US, achieving high honors throughout her high school and college years, traveling to 9 countries by herself, participating in high profile artistic efforts for her community, and saving an injured starling in a parking lot don’t get much play with todays news outlets.

There’s plenty of good out there in the world if we look for it.
True enough!