Square Pegs Into Round Holes

Since there is little pressure involved in tool grinding/sharpening. I think you should cad up a collet and print the entire collet for your machine with a square hole in it.
Notice I didn't volunteer. I'm paying for Fusion 360 but I'm not good with it. :apologize:
I've settled on Cura as a slicer, but I'll check out Simplify!
Cura was ok for me but I can't stand the GUI. You get no overview of available settings at all. Plus with all the updates it is a constant 'try the new one with a test print and see what changed' cycle. I am not doing on-the-bleeding-edge printing, purely functional stuff.
I use Cura and they do seem to update a lot. However, I skip some updates and often just take the defaults and been very happy. I will admit that I have no experience with any other brand of CAM for 3d printing to compare Cura with.
Thanks Mike, informative for me as I have never seen one of those machines let alone one in action.
i found a source for "Economy" square collets (E355/U2) for the Deckel SO/SOE

BUT, for $80 each, i think i could print hundreds, if not thousands, of my collet bushings.

if i were to sharpen bits professionally, i would buy the new square collet- i can't justify the expense otherwise.
Lovely work! I'll be doing similar on my forthcoming "broken milling vice conversion to tool grinder" project for use with ER32 collets. Probably put a little top hat brim on one end to stop the collar going right through the collet.

It seems weird having printed plastic stuff in a machine shop, but 3D printed parts absolutely have a place IMHO. You could spend hours making those collars in metal and not get better results than you do with the printed ones. Just takes a while to get your head around it and into the mindset. I've printed all sorts of arbors, adaptors, spacers and whatnot. My most ambitious (and very successful) project has been printing plates for my dividing head.

I've settled on Cura as a slicer, but I'll check out Simplify!
thanks for your kind words.
the printer has been a welcomed acquisition :grin:
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