!!Tablesaw kick back !!WARNING GROSS PICTURES


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Dec 25, 2011
Well my afternoon did not turn out quite as I had hoped.
I was ripping a short piece of 2x4 when right at the end of the cut it kicked back and hit me in the mouth and chin--knocked me right on my rear end:frown 2:Bleeding like a stuck pig.
There was nobody home except me so hopped in the truck and went to the clinic here in town and when they looked at it----said nothing they could do that I needed to go to the ER.
7 hrs later I am finally back home, with about 70 stitchesWife and daughter met me at the hospital.

cut.jpg cut1.jpg cut2.jpg

This picture is after a couple rounds of morphine---no pain!!!!!!

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Wow that is horrible, sorry you got bitten. I lost the tip of my finger 10 years ago, it happens in the blink of an eye. I wish you a speedy recovery!

The table saw is the one machine that I fear the most. Fifty-five years ago, I managed to mess up my right hand on a table saw. Forty stitches and a eight of an inch from my right thumb. I only had an 1/8th of an inch of exposed blade or it could have been much worse.

I hope the healing goes well.
That is a horrible accident!

It would be most helpful if you could post a photo of the actual workpiece, showing precisely how you were holding it in the saw when the kickback occurred. Might prevent the same thing happening to someone else.
That's a serious injury, John. Hoping you heal quickly.
That is a horrible accident!

It would be most helpful if you could post a photo of the actual workpiece, showing precisely how you were holding it in the saw when the kickback occurred. Might prevent the same thing happening to someone else.

I"ll try to get a photo tomorrow-if I can find the piece--it was a short piece of 2x4 about 6 inches long and was ripping the 3 1/2 down to 3 1/16 using the rip fence (fence is dead on the money) was pushing the piece thru with hand draped over the fence
Sorry for pain that was really a bad hit and as always could have been a lot worse. I have a table saw also but years ago I purchased a set of magnetic hole downs that hold pieces tight to the fence and tight to the table. These were not cheep but they have been very good and work well. They are called Grip-Tite Guide they are made in NM by Mesa Vista Design. A little late now but may be something to look into for the future. I have cut pieces less than a quarter in. with no problems. Good luck with the healing !!!!

Sorry to hear about your accident.

Thanks also for sharing, safety is something we all need to keep at the top of our mind.

About 20 years ago shortly after I had gotten into woodworking I was ripping a large number of slats on the tablesaw. Each one was about an inch wide and 3/8 inch thick. One grabbed between the blade and the fence and fired back into the concrete block was about 12 feet behind the saw. Fortunately I was standing to the side but that piece of hard maple took a chunk out of the block about the size of a small egg. I have no doubt it could have impaled me had I been in its path. I never repaired the block until I moved - but I think about that every time I set up to make a cut on the tablesaw.

Hope you have a speedy recovery and out in the shop again soon!
