Tach on a LMS 5100


Dec 31, 2020
Has anyone figured out the pinout of the tach output on a LMS 5100 relative to the TouchDRO board tach input? I would like to integrate the RPM from my lathe into Touch DRO.

I haven't tried that particular machine, but in theory it's pretty straightforward:
There are three Hal effect sensors on the brushless motor that output 5V pulses (once per revolution each).
If you use TouchDRO adapter for glass scales, you might be able to just connect one of those directly to the board (on my mill the inputs on the controller board are pulled up, so a direct connection work fine). For other adapter versions you will need to add a high impedance level shifter to bring the voltage down to 3.3V. You probably won't be able to use a simple resistor divider, since that will mess up the original controller board's signal.
Hope this helps
This is the complicated way. Using pulses from the sensor is much simpler and doesn't require any decoding.
The OP asked for info on the pinouts for the tach used on the lathe. I agree that the provided tach output won't integrate easily with the TouchDRO. Not what I'd recommend.

I used the linked macpod info to make my own external tach for my LMS 3900 mini mill as it was easier (and safer) for me than to dig into the controller to find the raw sensors. Grizzly sold me the external tach board part for a lot cheaper than what LMS wanted for the complete tach.

On my PM 1236T I used a simple optical sensor on the back side of the spindle into the TouchDRO board and it was way cheaper and easy.
The OP asked for info on the pinouts for the tach used on the lathe. I agree that the provided tach output won't integrate easily with the TouchDRO. Not what I'd recommend.

I used the linked macpod info to make my own external tach for my LMS 3900 mini mill as it was easier (and safer) for me than to dig into the controller to find the raw sensors. Grizzly sold me the external tach board part for a lot cheaper than what LMS wanted for the complete tach.

On my PM 1236T I used a simple optical sensor on the back side of the spindle into the TouchDRO board and it was way cheaper and easy.
Well, direct quote "I would like to integrate the RPM from my lathe into Touch DRO." (see in the OP's post), so I made a bold assumption that he wanted to integrate it with TouchDRO, but I might be wrong. ;)
I responded to the first sentence, and you the second. I hope we both gave him enough info to proceed from here ...
Sorry, got tied up with work. I appreciate your help. It was to integrate with TouchDRO. I was hoping it was more straightforward.
Which TouchDRO adapter do you have?