Resolved The Case of the Vanishing Post.


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Feb 1, 2015
As many of you are already aware, the HM website has been experiencing difficulties. I have made several posts over the past day only to have them vanish. If anyone is posting to a thread during this troubled time, I would highly recommend that you write your copy in MS Word, Wordpad, or some other text editor and copy to the HM thread of interest. That way, if the posts vanish yet again, you can repost your content at a later time.

Can you report back and inform us if your posts have been restored properly?


It looked like things had been restored and then the site went down again. Back up this morning though. I checked some of my older posts and I now have no posts after Jul 11, 2018. It also appears from the New Posts or What's New tabs that time begins last Wednesday.

In particular, I have been fairly active in an electronic lead screw thread and none of the thread is visible. There are 11 pages of posts on that thread.
Same here. No posts showing in my profile after July 11, 2018 except one I posted today. And maybe this one now.

Dang. This is unfortunate. I'm going to need a day or two to dig into the gory details on both of your accounts. Sorry guys, and thanks for your patience. I'll come back to this in a couple of days and provide an update.

It looked like things had been restored and then the site went down again. Back up this morning though. I checked some of my older posts and I now have no posts after Jul 11, 2018. It also appears from the New Posts or What's New tabs that time begins last Wednesday.

In particular, I have been fairly active in an electronic lead screw thread and none of the thread is visible. There are 11 pages of posts on that thread.
RJ, is this the electronic lead screw thread you are referring to?
Yes it is. I can see it but of I try to search for it or anything else, I can't see anything between July, 2018 and yesterday. I just did this search a few minutes ago.

Electroniuc Lead Screw Search.JPG

When I search for my content, this is what I find:
My Content.JPG
Yeah same with my content. Shows last posting was 7/2/18. Which is way wrong pretty active on here.
I’m noticing this is true for most everyone. Let me restate this - am I correct in saying that the content is there but it is not showing up in search results between July 12-ish and now?

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