Resolved The dreaded Tapatalk Issues

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Active User
Oct 30, 2012
Unfortunately for the last couple months I have not been able to participate on the forum due to an error message popping up in Tapatalk app (on iphone) everytime I try to enter.
I am on several other forums in the Tapatalk app and all work fine except Hobby Machinist.
I rarely log on to a PC except at work and that limits me to lunch hr like now.
Any idea whats up?? I am attaching a screenhot of what I get when trying to log on.
Thanks for any assistance guys...

Replies via email would be best since I cannot see the forum via mobile

I have also sent several emails to tapatalk clicking on the "contact us" button and it sends the email shown in the 2nd photo.


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Tapatalk is the problem, not us. They do not have a plugin for XF2 yet.
I just contacted them. They plan to issue a plugin about 1 month AFTER the final release version of XF2.
That will probably occur in a month or so.

This forum can be accessed just fine on mobile devices.
The new version of XF does this better than the old one, in fact.
I frequently access H-M from my Galaxy Note 4, with no problem.
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Looks like they are releasing the add-in this week...LINK
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I sure hope they get it done. I've been on the road seems like this whole year and I used Tapatalk to keep up.
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