The Hunley, or pidjones needed a first retirement project


I'll start this thread now and fill in over time. In 2013 I bought a Honda GoldWing GL1000. The PO thought it was a '78, but it turned out to be a '78 frame with a '75 engine. Since that could not be restored, I decided to customize it into a cafe style. I worked at it for about a year, then life got in the way until I retired (officially laid off with 6 month's severance pay) at the end of September 2017. After cleaning the garage up enough to get room to work on it, I restarted the project. It is now rideable (well, right now the wheels are off for new tires) with only improvements to go. I have shown it twice and look forward to showing it many times next year.At Moonshine Run.jpg
Probably don't see to many bikes you could get that confused with do you? It looks like the customization is very nicely done. I like it.
That's a great looking GL. Very nicely done. I bet it sounds good with those short pipes too!
Actually a bit too loud. I've tried repacking and adding some washers spaced about 1.5" after the baffle. It has already blown those out (they were each mounted by three stand offs pop-riveted to the baffle exit. I just repacked them for the third time tonight. Probably need to find soething more substatial than pipe wrap fiberglass. Thinking maybe fiberglass cloth.
BTW, thanks for the complements. Here it was at a show this weekend. One of the pinup contestants (turned out to be the winner) used it as a prop for photos.
If I am seeing this right that's an older gl with newer honda wheels? I thought all the older gls had spoke wheels, I like the wheels you have on it, great look. Very cool to see the gl as it started out, minimal.
If I am seeing this right that's an older gl with newer honda wheels? I thought all the older gls had spoke wheels, I like the wheels you have on it, great look. Very cool to see the gl as it started out, minimal.
1975-1977 had spokes. 1978 (this is a '78 frame with '75 engine) was the first year for the riveted "Comstars". I painted these black.
Having all but finished on the Hunley, another project was needed fo winter '18-'19, so.....
A 1979 CB750F SuperSport showed up on Craigslist nearby. At first I though restoration project until I noticed incorrect forks and ~1/4" of peeling Bondo. So, it became a rat rod project. Plan is to restore performance, braking, and handling while only improving appearance as a result of performance upgrades. A previous owner really hacked it, though and I am having trouble even identifying the front forks. They are not original, are leading axle, and incorrect caliper mount holes that someone made weled steel adapters for, but did not paint them. The bike was last registered in 1999, and I suspect has been setting outside since then. Should keep me occupied this winter!
I saw this one at a vintage motorcycle show last weekend. I know these are 1100's but very similar and cool.

I had a 1979 CB750, sold it and bought a Yamaha 1100 XS Special. Fast but I’ll handling.
Brings back memories
You have quite a project ahead of you! I think Honda has most parts available, expensive though.
Thanks for posting.