The Journey Begins, PM Research #5.


Feb 15, 2020
My first steam engine kit arrived today. I've always wanted to build something like this so I decided to dive right in.


Not sure where to start yet. Looks like I'll need to spend some more on tools and make some fixtures to hold the frame and crankshaft on my Sherline machines. Any suggestions?

Good thing I like to solve puzzles.

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Just the engine itself. There are no fittings of any kind. I'm sure those other items will follow once I get through this one.

Eric, you have my permission to buy more tools, have fun!
ErichK my PM Research #3bi arrived last week. My first casting kit.
Also, I am enjoying Mike’s PM#6 build thread.
Whoooo! Welcome to the club! Please post pictures as you go. I will definitely follow along. I'm working on the #6 right now.
Eric, you have my permission to buy more tools, have fun!
ErichK my PM Research #3bi arrived last week. My first casting kit.
Also, I am enjoying Mike’s PM#6 build thread.

Yep, I was looking at that thread too that got me thinking about it, then this one pushed me over the edge :) I got the same kit as you and have been watching a video series on Youtube of a guy building it for ideas on work-holding.
Not sure where to start yet.

I personally found that picking an easy part on the lathe, maybe one of the bar stock style ones (if there are any in that kit) is a good place to get your feet wet. Something you know will be easy for you to do.
Ugg... all you guys doing these kits just made me impulse buy one :) Just picked up a PM#3 to waste my corona-virus time on :)
you will likely not be ill or quarantined long enough! It took me quite a while on the model 1, but I didn't push very hard either.