This might be useful for those of us designing things

Mike, thanks for posting this. Making this post sticky. If you are o.k. with hijacking your thread, let's use this as the bucket to dump links to 3D printing tips and tricks.

EDIT: spelling.
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That was a great link. I think some of it was specific to 3D Systems MultiJet, e.g. when they talk about "lanes." Still, basic principles were sound.

URL doesn't seem to be active any longer. It isn't responding... At least not today.
Have any of you taken Prusa's "Design Principles for 3D Printed Parts" online course?

It's only 10$, and two hours of your time.

It's really quite good. For someone who wants to design and print parts, I found it to be a really good value.

I use pretty much everything taught in that course. Some, very frequently. Like staggered bridging for downward facing counterbores and Teardrops for horizontal holes and counterbores. The sections on clearance and PIP part design I found to be excellent.

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I have not taken the Prusa course (but will, now that I'm aware of it...), but I picked up the book "Functional Design for 3D Printing" by Clifford Smyth which I thought was worthwhile.

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