Toaster - a conversation starter

Toaster is a great conversation starter about materials usage, resource management and sustainability.
We wrote a short article to start the dialogue. (

It is so sad that majority of people who have skills don't bother repairing slightly broken, old appliances.
And people who don't have skills - have no one to help because repair shops are almost extinct.

I hope you can participate in the discussion we started on our blog by commenting there or here and maybe share any repair projects of house hold stuff to encourage others to do so as well.

My kind of people!

I always strip anything I'm disposing of for parts, right down to screws, nuts and washers.

Had a dishwasher with a noisy pump. New pump: $100. New bearings: <$10. Time to disassemble, replace bearings and reassemble: An hour. Did that twice over a period of 5 years or so, third time the interior finish on the tub was failing and rust was becoming an issue, so made Mama happy and bought her a new stainless steel unit.

Old dishwasher contributed to my stash of switches, wiring and connectors before going to the metal recycling place.