Tornadoes in Kentucky?


Jeff Anderson
H-M Platinum Supporter
Mar 26, 2018
What a terrible event. Over 70 dead so far.
As I understand it, this massive weather event went through many states.
We sure would like to hear from our groups members who weathered this awful storm.
Hopefully, everyone is ok.
Watching the Weather Channel showing " live " videos from trapped people on Facebook . Devastating . :(
What a terrible event. Over 70 dead so far.
As I understand it, this massive weather event went through many states.
We sure would like to hear from our groups members who weathered this awful storm.
Hopefully, everyone is ok.
About 25 miles south of Chicago...all we had was high winds and power out for about 2 hours.
I am grateful we were spared the worst of thoughts and prayers are with those that were not.
Good friend from Louisville checked in this morning and was ok. I swear the media is worthless if you are trying to get news about a specific area. They only repeat where the most died, over and over. It’s why I don’t watch what passes for news.
Good friend from Louisville checked in this morning and was ok. I swear the media is worthless if you are trying to get news about a specific area. They only repeat where the most died, over and over. It’s why I don’t watch what passes for news.
I have to agree with you 100% about the media. They only report news in a way that will support their agenda. I don't know why so many people believe that the news outlets are telling us the truth. It just doesn't make sense to me....but then again not many things do : )
Here's a perfect example of what the news outlets do...and why.

From ( )

"Can Brian Williams be subject to a civil lawsuit for lying to the American public? He certainly violated an ethics code most news anchors try to uphold. However, Williams is technically protected under the first amendment.

In August of 2000, journalist Jane Akre charged Fox News management and lawyers for pressuring her to air false information on a story. Akre was awarded $425,000 in the court ruling. She discovered that cows in Florida were being injected with RBGH to produce milk, but she also found the drug produces cancer in humans. Lawyers of Fox News rewrote her report over 80 times to please the Monsanto Corporation (producer of RBGH). She refused to report the false story.

In February 2003, Fox appealed this decision, claiming it was their first amendment right to report false information.The FCC does have a policy prohibiting news distortion, but that is only a policy, not a “law, rule, or regulation.” So, media channels have free will to lie and exaggerate news to the American citizens.

We should be able to trust our news anchors. Many people solely rely on the nightly news for their information. But since it has been proven that anchors sometimes lie to us, who are we to believe? My only suggestion is to always do your own research; you never know what “trusted” source could be lying to you."

I know....pretty crazy.
When I show this to know what their response is? "No no.....No no".
I tell them that they can go to the FCC website and see for themselves. Then I'm told " I don't have to do that...I KNOW"
At that point it's better to just walk away.
It's about freedom of choice....they can choose to believe if they want to.
I choose not to.
If anyone is interested...there is a "better" search engine than google. It's called "Duck Duck Go". I know...silly name.
Go there and do a search for "operation mockingbird". You might have to scroll down a bit.
It's pretty crazy what the news outlets around the world have been getting away with.
If you want to find out whats happening or going on have to research it yourself. And even's not easy to find the truth.