Two hours wasted.


Nov 25, 2015
I spent 2 hours looking for my cotter pins. I remember I pulled them out of one of my organizers and moved them to my machine shop, and didn't remember what I did with them. I had to replace the rollers on my lawn cutting deck on the tractor... Now what did I do with them... well I must have looked in the same spot a few times and didn't see them. I wonder where could they be...
Dumb Sh*t

I spent 2 days looking for a chain binder a few weeks ago. Gave up and borrowed one to get the load moved. Last night standing in the garage talking on the phone looked over at the shelf that had scoured before and there sits the chain binder I couldn't find right where it should have been.
I spent 2 days looking for a chain binder a few weeks ago. Gave up and borrowed one to get the load moved. Last night standing in the garage talking on the phone looked over at the shelf that had scoured before and there sits the chain binder I couldn't find right where it should have been.
Ditto. My my case, a power pull. Hence, my belief in shop gremlins.
Just last week I spent an hour looking for my deburring tool in all the places it should be be and where I remember using it. Give up and got out my back up. But as I worked I continued to be on the lookout sure I’d kicked it under a bench or something. Just more and more puzzled. Finally had to completely clean up and put everything away to go back to regular production and right there in the drawer where its slot is it is. Gremlins indeed, had to be, every single one of my searches started there……