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I had the same question... They stopped the coupons some time back... Would be nice to get a 20% on a few things that I need... Let me check their ads...

I guess I'm special! :p

No, I'm not sure myself. I've been getting those 20% off coupons for under $10, too. Then, they emailed me a coupon for 20% off one item only. I kept reading the fine print and couldn't believe it myself. My local store was out of the 4X6 band saw a week or two ago, but showed it in stock now. When I went to the store, I even asked the cashier if I could use this coupon and he examined it and said yes.

I guess patience pays off. Unfortunately, the base price has gone up quite a bit (like everything). I had the chance to buy this same saw back around Thanksgiving for 20% off when it was listed at $290. Now, it's $330. I was kicking myself for not getting it then. Live and learn.
I guess I'm special! :p

No, I'm not sure myself. I've been getting those 20% off coupons for under $10, too. Then, they emailed me a coupon for 20% off one item only. I kept reading the fine print and couldn't believe it myself. My local store was out of the 4X6 band saw a week or two ago, but showed it in stock now. When I went to the store, I even asked the cashier if I could use this coupon and he examined it and said yes.

I guess patience pays off. Unfortunately, the base price has gone up quite a bit (like everything). I had the chance to buy this same saw back around Thanksgiving for 20% off when it was listed at $290. Now, it's $330. I was kicking myself for not getting it then. Live and learn.
well, I hate to break it to ya, but that saw was about $250 maybe 2 years ago. I kinda remember if you got a good coupon it was about $200...
I just haven't had the room.. if I did, it would be here.
well, I hate to break it to ya, but that saw was about $250 maybe 2 years ago. I kinda remember if you got a good coupon it was about $200...
I just haven't had the room.. if I did, it would be here.
I just checked the price on it... wow! I remember when it could be had for less than 200.00.... yikes... 350.00 now... I don't think so. I should be good with the table top that I have now. Hehehehehe
My plan was to set up a string and medical pharmacy weights to maybe help with the gravity feed for cutting on my saw.
My plan was to set up a string and medical pharmacy weights to maybe help with the gravity feed for cutting on my saw.
Throw an air cylinder on it with flow controls . Simple and effective . :encourage:
Ive got a plan to do a hydraulic piston for it. Idk when i will get to it but
First cuts with my new band saw using the stock blade. First, I did a few test cuts in a piece of scrap aluminum bar about 3/4" square. I was able get it pretty square in both directions by adjusting the fence and the guides.

Then, I went for it and cut a piece of 3-1/8" 6061 aluminum. It took 5 or 10 minutes, but I'm happy with the results.
nice! Congrats, those things are useful way beyond their cost or space requirements. I couldn't imagine being without mine. For a first mod I would suggest adding some bracing to the stand. It's a flimsy pile of crap. I built an internal frame with 2x4s and made my own wheels - my used 4x6 either didn't come with wheels or they fell off on the way home.
those casters were quickly replaced with some wheels off an old vacuum cleaner :)

After that there's a whole world of mods awaiting you - better jaws, adjustable spacer for holding small stock, better down feed control (on my list) and so on. I've taught myself how to braze my own blades, so I can buy bigger rolls of band for cheap and make my own.

They're amazingly useful machines