What's wrong with me??


Active User
Sep 19, 2012
So I have a project going on that needs 2 different parts turned in the lathe. I have 2 lathes. While going back and forth, I wonder, "what if I needed a third piece turned while I had both lathes tied up?" ?????????

"Yeah" I say out loud " If I had a third lathe, one could have a quick change and a 4 jaw, the non quick change would keep the 3 jaw, and the big lathe would always be ready with a face plate, or 3 jaw."
Then later that night I catch myself inadvertently looking at the local craigslist for a mid sizes lathe!
I'm sick........I have an illness!
I need a cure!

Anyone in the East Texas area selling a 14-16 swing lathe with a quick change?

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it gets worse, believe me :black eye:
be careful what you wish for, the only satisfaction is in more iron.
then you run out of room because you need(want) a milling machine (or 5), and some more really cool friends for the 8 lathes you already have.

i prescribe many years of shop therapy ;)
I'm sick........I have an illness!
I need a cure!

You won't find it here!
This site will only provide you with more justification for adding another tool.
More neat projects to build, more great techniques to try, and outright "enabling" of your/our disease.

I once heard it said of Norm Abram that he doesn't change bits, he changes routers.

Personally, I am not even at step one of the recovery program.
I do NOT admit that I have a problem.

So to answer your title question of what's wrong with you, I say:
Absolutely Nothing! :encourage:

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I will not respond to this thread as I currently have 4 lathes all with different personalities.
Unfortunately each gets lonely and jealous of the others.
The only remedy is more shop time!!

Oh, yes, and in case you are wondering each needs it's own 3, 4 and 6 jaw, dog plate, collet system, as you need to make absolutely sure that each has a different headstock and tailstock tapers, tool post holders so nothing is interchangeable.

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