Why is it always a tin?


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2023
I can't be the only one...

My grandfathers shed had a few of them, the garage at my parents had a couple, now I seem to have a few. Latest one is a temporary solution whilst I sort a replacement tool chest for the lathe tools.

My old tool chest was too small, so sold that and ordered a replacement. Had to store the overspill from a cupboard in a biscuit tin!

Have to admit though, I did enjoy the contents, so much so, I had to order two more tins.... One each for missus and myself. Yes, we share, we just don't share biscuits...LOL

I save all my Bag Balm tins, and Sleepy Time tea tins, along with some old Christmas cookie/biscuit tins. My granddad kept all his hardware in peanut butter jars screwed to the bottom of his shelves in his garage shop. Waste not, want not. Mike
@FOMOGO Talking of jars, I tend to save the glass jars that Douwe Egberts instant (BLEUGH) Coffee comes in. Great for pouring thinners in, or decanting other concoctions, potions, paints or solutions so that a sealed lid can be put on overnight.
I have about 30" of one shelf dedicated to various "handy" containers - such as tins, pill bottles, endmill holders - stuff that just seems like it will come in handy. And sometimes it does. But I limit my collecting of unused containers to that part of the shelf. I should probably sort through it - there's actually a lot that's been there for long enough that it has demonstrated its lack of utility...

" Why is it always a tin? Because it is much better than "putting things in a paper".
Tin is the wonder metal
It's safe when food touches it
It does not rust
It is soft and that means it can be easily formed
It attaches to steel,lead,copper and most metals, so it becomes a solder component for those metals
When coated on steel, it becomes an almost perfect coating as it stays with the parent through stamping, forming and shearing and
even acts as a lubricant during those operations

lastly the word "Tin" used in the above posts really refers to "tin can" or " tin container" and is abbreviated to just "Tin"
and when polished, it becomes a mirror !
What a wonderful metal
I can't be the only one...

My grandfathers shed had a few of them, the garage at my parents had a couple, now I seem to have a few. Latest one is a temporary solution whilst I sort a replacement tool chest for the lathe tools.

My old tool chest was too small, so sold that and ordered a replacement. Had to store the overspill from a cupboard in a biscuit tin!

Have to admit though, I did enjoy the contents, so much so, I had to order two more tins.... One each for missus and myself. Yes, we share, we just don't share biscuits...LOL

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I hate those specific tins with passion. I can’t stand them…. They go so fast. We stopped buying them.

It was not enough that I dream about them! Here you go posting photos of them in the Hobby-Machinist forum!!

Good grief! I so want a few of its content right now, to go with my cortado…
