Wooden lathe bed on iron legs, why?

Hi folks, just an update to this topic, I decided to go with metal, but to keep a similar shape to the wood I used pencil radius box section for the frame and rounded the corners. I made up a tray to look like the ones Atlas used to supply.

I think a wooden shelf between the legs with some sort of period tool storage box fixed to it will finish it off.


Oh and I ran out of green paint....:))


You do know that it isn't quite right to post such a brief blurb to such a nice machine? Nit (the god of modification) will surely converse with Pic (the god of documentation) and decide that not enough Due (god of blood, turmoil and spousal argumentation) was sacrificed.

Lad I pray for your own good (and our edification) more details should be submitted afore 8 bells o' the last watch or instanter.


You do know that it isn't quite right to post such a brief blurb to such a nice machine? Nit (the god of modification) will surely converse with Pic (the god of documentation) and decide that not enough Due (god of blood, turmoil and spousal argumentation) was sacrificed.

Lad I pray for your own good (and our edification) more details should be submitted afore 8 bells o' the last watch or instanter.



Steve I'm still grinning, indeed I've started to chuckle, dammit I'm laughing out loud!

Fortunately, the god Nit whispered in my ear as it seemed my ideas might actually work, he told me of the god Pic's wishes, as spousal argumentation is not welcome in my home I took a few pics to show how this modification was achieved without loss of dignity, status, or wealth.

(hastily googling instanter)

Steve I'm still grinning, indeed I've started to chuckle, dammit I'm laughing out loud!

Just re read this and realized it might possibly be read as sarcastic, and I'm not sure if the 'D' word is used in polite company in your part of the world, sorry if that caused any offense, it was not meant in that way at all.

If there's any interest I will post some 'how to' pics of the frame and tray build when I have time to write some words to go with them.

Just re read this and realized it might possibly be read as sarcastic, and I'm not sure if the 'D' word is used in polite company in your part of the world, sorry if that caused any offense, it was not meant in that way at all.

If there's any interest I will post some 'how to' pics of the frame and tray build when I have time to write some words to go with them.


We are neighbors here! I'm sure that each of us have enough offense shoved our way with out looking for it from unsuspecting sources, in our forum.

There is definitely an interest in my part to see how it all came about. As far as polite company we tend to run towards if you wouldn't wish it said in front of kiddies, moms, grannies then best left off here.

I do thank you for the concern Bernard, though no offense was taken.

Thanks Steve, I have visited the US a couple of times and reckon the old saying 'Two nations separated by a common language' sums up the confusion that can happen pretty well, mostly when ordering food, usually ends up with much hilarity!

Will post up pics asp, maybe start a new thread for it.

That's certain! I've been to Portsmouth, London, and several cities in Scotland. Thankfully I like FishNchips. Never been thrown out of a bar at the beginning of the evening watch before. I smoked back then and went into a drugstore for cigs like are available here. The girl looked at me like i had escaped Bedlam "!This! is a !CHEMIST!".

yeah, saying things over here like "Say, do you have a fag?" or "are you ******" have different meanings for sure.