Google home in the shop

Meh. I gave up on any expectation of digital privacy years ago. I'm simply not willing to give up my smartphones, websites, and internet connected apps. The home assistants are also pretty darn convenient, and the worst I realistically expect to happen is some more targeted advertising (as if all the machinist related advertisers don't already have my number).

Stating your credit card numbers or id numbers aloud to someone on your cellphone is also a risk. USING a credit card is a risk. Anything involving public networking is a risk.

Everyone should make their own choice, of course, but, for what it's worth, the home assistant devices are pretty danged convenient when your hands are busy (like when I'm in the shop).
In my small shop it sure sounds like it would be useful. I have a small tablet now and it takes up too much space. My machines are all in imperial and I often have to use metric so am hauling out the calculator. Would be great to just ask Google.

My wife bought me the Amazon variety for my birthday. My kids have a blast with that one. They ask Alexa to fart and she delivers every time!! Wife now has second thoughts about that purchase decision every time.:grin:

I was a little creeped out by the "always listening", but oh well.

I bought one for the garage too. I have to admit I like the ability to play music, switch songs, pause, get answers to tech questions, etc. all without having to reach for the phone with the greasy/oily hands. For those wondering, I can talk to the Alexa in a normal voice. No over the top emphasis on every syllable is needed.
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I’m about to line up all my electronic gizmos “except one “ and put a precise .243 dia hole in the front one at 2400 fps
Don’t trust any of them .

The debacle with Cambridge Analytica is just the latest reason why I don't Facebook, Twitter, have a smartphone or even carry a cell phone or especially a smart tv. To each their own but I see no reason to give in to the Big Brother Borg that is this supposed "smart"tech.
I'm just waiting for the information they collect to get leaked/hacked/hijacked, there should be a wealth of information to mine out of it. If they can't even keep the lid on our names, social security numbers and addresses, just think of what can be done with the transcripts of all your private conversations!
You all must live far more interesting lives that I do. Other than some passwords to financial that keep tight, I just try not to say or do anything I would care about if the world knew. I think anyone that wants to read transcripts of my life is in for some really boring times
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