Once again .


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
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H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2016
There's nothing I don't have , but can't find anything . Up to the hardware store for nails . :rolleyes: If I don't have a ton of nails , I don't have one .
There's nothing I don't have , but can't find anything . Up to the hardware store for nails . :rolleyes: If I don't have a ton of nails , I don't have one .
As soon as you buy those nails the others will get mad, and come out and yell here I am.

I am looking for a magnetic catch I have for the closet door in my bathroom... I can't nail the door jam stops in till I find it.
I know if I go and buy another , the original will show up... and I'll be stuck with another thing I'll never need again. This is not a single magnetic catch, this is the doubles, so it holds strong. I have a hundred of the singles...
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OK , well that was the final nail ! ( no pun intended ) . The end mills can take a break , I'm going to load up nails and sheet rock screws into one container . :grin: I think I have 10 or so that were waiting for hardware . :)
On my first clean out, I tossed over 50 pounds of nails and screws into the metal bin. Still have too much!
Dave, you're bad news... :p because of your cleaning, I made a mistake and started cleaning out an area of the basement to take it over from my wife and son... it's a storage area. He's out already, has his own home, but they have a kid on the way... Anyway I should never have started. I have a bigger mess than before. Have not gained any space, and am regretting this. I was hoping cleaning this area up would help me find the catch I'm looking for, but also give me another type of work area for model planes, and electronics.

ok... I take full responsibility... was looking to pawn it off on you... Sometimes the cleanup makes you feel like you are getting somewhere. This one, feels like ... what the hell was I thinking.

Oh, about the kid, some of the stuff was books like Dr Seuss, and others... My wife had stored away, and now if I get rid of them, I'll regret it when the kid comes over and I can read to the child.
Dave, you're bad news... :p because of your cleaning, I made a mistake and started cleaning out an area of the basement to take it over from my wife and son... it's a storage area. He's out already, has his own home, but they have a kid on the way... Anyway I should never have started. I have a bigger mess than before. Have not gained any space, and am regretting this. I was hoping cleaning this area up would help me find the catch I'm looking for, but also give me another type of work area for model planes, and electronics.

ok... I take full responsibility... was looking to pawn it off on you... Sometimes the cleanup makes you feel like you are getting somewhere. This one, feels like ... what the hell was I thinking.

Oh, about the kid, some of the stuff was books like Dr Seuss, and others... My wife had stored away, and now if I get rid of them, I'll regret it when the kid comes over and I can read to the child.
Don't you find it difficult to throw anything away?
I decided I would go through my stuff in my shop.
I bought so much so fast, surely there are things I can sell on Ebay.
Nothing :)