So , have you had enough ?

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H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
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H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2016
Really . I have . The new hires . :rolleyes: If it wasn't for my boss and other things , I would be long gone . March 1rst they can all kiss my butt . ( other than my boss )
Regarding Aristotle, the big problem today isn't that young people are stupid and arrogant, because that has always been true. It was certainly true in my case. The problem is that now they have power, and the rest of us are obeying them and running from them. When that happens, civilizations crumble.

Here's a fun video.

Why Hipsters All Look the Same
I always find this interesting.

"Young people are high-minded because they have not yet been humbled by life, nor have they experienced the force of circumstances.

They think they know everything, and are always quite sure about it.”. Aristotle 400BC
And after you have CALMY tried to teach them the right way to do something 10 times or more,they get their pantys in a knot and raise their tiny little voice to you after they screwed up by EXACTLY doing what you told them countless times NOT to do after you gave them a talking to.............well that happend with one of my apprentices way back when I was still working for an automotive machine shop........but believe me I gave him a piece of my mind and told him I will leave him to things he wants but never to ask me for help if things go pear shaped.................he started listening to me.
In my case, the younger newer guys are really sharp and mostly hardworking, a few slackers. But the thing that grinds my gears are the new management peckerwoods, they don't know jack, they just managed to bs their way into a position where they pucker up everytime the owner walks by. Makes me want to, well I better not say, but I've had 2 supervisors leave and I'm supposed to train the new one? The first was the one that hired me out of the blue, I had worked with him years ago, super engineer, welder , manager, very proficient and down to earth. Told them what he needed to increase efficiency and production and they wouldn't take the steps needed so he left. Now, they are doing just exactly as he suggested, SMH.
Our new guys don't want to work this shift or that shift , can't work together , do simple tasks on their own , constant bickering every day and night . I'm making my plans now to retire the end of Feb and work on a contractural basis . The constant BS that goes on daily knocks our good workers down eventually and all of us old timers can go at any time . It is what it is , and I know younger people don't want to turn handles and wrenches , but damn , they want top money to do nothing ? Lately we feel like baby sitters , and if I wanted to baby sit , I would charge the going rate which is more than I make as a machinist/mechanic ! :grin:
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