12x2 mm metric cross slide lead screw


Mar 13, 2014
Dearest machinists hi!

I am trying to refurbish my little (old) italian lathe (PAV 120B) which means that I have to repair the, badly worn, cross slide lead screw and nut. The lead screw measures 12 mm OD and 2mm pitch. Pitch is measured over a lot of 10 threads (that is I count 10 threads over a distance of 20 mm) and is backed by the fact that the cross slide dial gives 2mm for a full rotation.

Well, the thing is that I have not, yet, found such a lead screw....I understand that, since it 'measures metric' then it is not an ACME, but a trapezoidal screw. 12x3 mm TR screws are available but not 12 x 2 mm....
(strangely enough I found some hand-taps for 12x2 mm trapezoidal thread...so who sells the corresponding lead screw then??)

Hope someone has an idea....

Thanks in advance,
This might get you close if you hurry: http://www.ebay.com.sg/itm/TR12x2Dx..._Metalworking_Supplies_ET&hash=item338e19db7a

You might want to give this company a call http://datasheets.globalspec.com/ds/5708/NookIndustries

It never hurts to ask.

Your 12x2mm screw specs are listed here if you need to have the screw custom cut http://mdmetric.com/tech/thddat16.htm

Thanks for the reply KenS,

my fault, I forgot to mention that my thread is left-hand...
However, it's great to see that TR 12x2 exists somehow.

Let's see if your last link can provide a lead to a left-hand screw!