A way to organize my tool holders

Chris Hamel

H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Mar 8, 2015
I decided it was time to deal with all of my QCTP tool holders. I had some complicated ideas that didn't work out. Finally I saw a rather simple solution that somebody else did. Turns out, all I needed was a piece of 1 x 6 wood and some finishing nails. It's not glamorous, but seems to work well. For my size QCTP, 2 inch spacing worked great.20210709_144914.jpg
I like that! It's old school use of what you have to make what you need.
It looks good to boot.

The DRO is on a swivel, and will get outtta the way when required. Since this was taken, several more toolholders have moved in.
If I keep it up, I may have to add a second story....

Chris, your design is sweet! Much easier to add a second story than mine will be!