Advanced Love and Mutual Hobbies

The Liberal Arts Garage

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Sep 4, 2013
This is the tenth anniversary of my wife's death- thirty years of comfortable love and quiet adventures-and in notice of the casual ( all in fun ?) references to wives and other loyal companions- I would like to celebrate all those years we shared each others' work and hobbies and the costs and profits, however unbalanced, and there was never need for "permission".
Find out what their enthusiasms are, participate wholeheartedly, and you will gain much more than you give. With sincere love and thanks for your attention, BLJHB at the Liberal Arts Garage.
What a great thing to write.

I'm sorry about your wifes passing, I'm sure you must miss her dearly. I hope you have picked up the pieces and continued on....because that's what our loved ones want us to do. We send them a loving thought when we can and remember them for their magnificent quirks.

My wife supports me 100% in whatever I do and I do the same for her. I especially liked the "no need to ask permission" comment, because that's just the way it is here.

I know the feeling of the comfort and love that the two of you shared. My wife is also my best buddy and welding partner who has been known to go fire up the plasma table and make something all by herself. She is the one who decided we needed the plasma table and has never decried any of the money or time I have spent deep in thought in the shop. She too often comes out to the shop and muses about all kinds of things and various issues and eventually arrives at a solution she can live with and then she moves on. Along with being my best friend and partner in crime she is also my conscience and that little voice in my head that tells me when I am doing the next right thing. I originally did not mention to her that I had resolved to give my tools to a fellow who I knew that was in need, when I did mention it to her she thought that was definitely the best idea and that she would help me get it all loaded and put on the truck when my buddy arrived from Texas. I know how hard it is to find the one woman who can put up with your stuff and shares your hobbies and life with you because she could not imagine doing it without you. Congrats on the time you had and eventually you will see each other again in the beyond and complete many more projects together then...

This coming March will be three years for me & what a strange journey it's been. Shock & disbelief even though you know her passing is imminent, grief so deep you wouldn't wish it on your worst enemy, anger so intense you're not fit to be around & bitter about what you've lost, but slowly.....very slowly you transition to being grateful for what you had. I won't tell you about my wife because it would just sound like bragging but I wouldn't change one day of those 32 years. Like the man said, show a genuine interest in what your wife's interested in & encourage her. I'll throw in, make sure she has no doubt that you love her & that you think she's beautiful because you know you do & she is.

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I consider myself to be very lucky. We have been together for 33 years, married for 29. In that time we have learned what makes the other 'tick' and what makes our worlds go around. We don't need each other's permission for anything, but we include each other in just about everything. She comes out and watches what I do when I am working on things, and I go to dog and animal shows with her, plus sit by her side and watch 'Animal Planet' when it strikes her fancy. She goes with me to auctions and farm sales and I go with her to Pet Expo and the zoo. We seldom argue because we work together toward solutions to the daily problems we encounter. We learned a long time ago that getting angry with each other fixes nothing. She literally is my 'better half'.

My mom passed away four years ago and dad has been lost ever since. They too enjoyed the type of relationship that we are talking about here, that rare thing that so many couples never get to experience. He knows and appreciates what she did for him all those 52 years and he misses her, as we all do, but in a much more intense way. He struggles with Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter, but is thankful for the time they spent together. I am thankful that my wife and I have that also, but I know that someday one of us will be tested to the limit when the other passes. I hope she goes first. I would hate for her to have to endure the pain not just of my passing, but the pain of going on alone as well.
My condolences on your loss but the fact you remember all the good times is a testament to your feelings and love.
I will soon celabrate 10 years with mine. I was 55YO when I found her and it was my first marrage,her second after
20 years of bening single. We do as you say, and we are having fun all the time, even with all the worldly foolishness and
a son/step son who is a piece of work. Ex-con and all.......we still do all we can to enjoy our time together as it sounds like
you did. Again,your are in my prayers.
<snip> but I know that someday one of us will be tested to the limit...

Understanding that no advice was solicited, it serves no useful purpose to ponder what the future holds. We have no control over it & there's no reason to believe that you both won't sail off into the sunset together. In the mean time, enjoy each others company to the fullest.
