Air Conditioning Malfunction at 107*

Ulma Doctor

Infinitely Curious
Feb 2, 2013
It was 107* yesterday.
i live in an area that is known to get warm a few weeks a year.
100* temperatures are expected July and August.
My air conditioner decided it wanted a break somewhere around 4:00am. (it was 78* in the house unusually warm for me)
luckily the A/C's circulating fan kept air moving through the house.
i thought that the evaporator may have frozen over from constant use. so i turned the system off but kept the circulation fan
running to help defrost the evaporator....
i went back to bed and would take a peep in the morning.
after turning the system back on, the A/C compressor is a no start, A/C fan also is a no start.
240 volts are present, but i see the Capacitor is looking a little bulged at the top.

a-c cap 1.jpg

it is a 50/6 uf dual capacity cap rated for 440v.
for those not knowing what a dual capacitor is, it is a capacitor that has 2 separate coils inside it that are rated in
microfarads (uf or mf sometimes) in this case the cap is 50 uf the other half is 6 uf that have a common power input.

a-c cap 2.jpg

of course i didn't have a 50/6 cap rated for 440v, but i did have a 60/7.5 rated for 250v
so guess what went in......

a-c cap 4.jpg

Baddabing, i fired the system back up and cold air is now circulating and the system is working.
i wouldn't normally under rate a capacitor, but unfortunately the A/C parts shops are closed and i'm not going to pay OT for a A/C tech to swap a capacitor out for me. Monday the A/C supply house will be open.
it should work until then. if it burns up i have 440 rated caps that i can string along in parallel to get my desired values.
but so far so good!!!
i'll spend around $80 bucks for the new replacement cap rather than spending at least a few hundred for the tech.

a-c cap 1.jpg a-c cap 2.jpg a-c cap 4.jpg
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A few years ago, I was having troubles with the AC caps blowing out so I put two 1/2 rated ones in series. Three years and going strong.

Sorry to hear about the bad weather you're having... Hope it eases up soon.

These are the reasons why I have bins and bins of "stuff" that might come in handy someday. :)) Good job!