All that bronze ...

The cannon was hooked up to another wagon called a caisson, which hauled the powder and fodder.
Thanks for sharing that picture. I wondered if that was the case but it wasn't clear from what was shown in the Chattanooga park.
@rabler I was at the same park not too long ago. It was a very interesting spot, that is for sure.
Don't know how much touring of the area you managed. We started our hike from Craven's House, which is where most of the fighting actually occurred on that ridge, about half way up the slope. Not positive, but I don't think any cannons were actually hauled to the top of Lookout Mountain for the civil war.
This civil war cannon barrel, just the bronze barrel casting , is 1875 lbs of bronze. Made in 1862. Weight and bore as well as model were stamped on the muzzle face. Smooth bore, most of them fired 12 lb balls, a few on display were 6 lb bores. They also had a few ferrous (cast iron?) barrels that were rifled.

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This was atop Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga Tn. We hiked up the mountain trails, about 700 ft up in a little over a mile(?), this was at the park on top. Downtown Chattanooga and the Tennessee river in the background. We wanted to also go visit the railway museum as they have an active machine shop that maintains the old steam engines for much of the region, but they closed at 3:30pm and a college football game made the traffic messy so that didn't happen.
Some Brasso Metal Polisher, buffer with several spares batteries… we can make that look like new!