Another Father/Son Project


Hobby Machinist since 2010
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2014
My son just turned 25 and bought his first car using his own money. He has never been mechanically inclined or seemingly interested in making anything but a few weeks back he asked if I could make an Axe throwing target. I said that I would help him make it. He surprised me by saying yes. Today we finished building it. I still don't think he is a convert to being a builder but he did learn how to use a screw gun and a skill saw and I got to spend some quality time with him. Priceless.

Nice target. My only suggestion would be to glue up a bunch of short 4x4 so you are sticking the axe into the end grain.
Nice target. My only suggestion would be to glue up a bunch of short 4x4 so you are sticking the axe into the end grain.
We have an axe-throwing bar (beer and blades - what could go wrong?) near us. I've only been there once, but I think that's what they have.

OP: Good job! As you say father/child time is priceless!
