Anyone going to the SHOT show this week?


Active User
Dec 13, 2011
Just wondering if anyone else is going to the SHOT show this week. I will be going up Tuesday evening, returning Thursday evening. There is always something new and interesting to see up there. There is also an overload of tactical equipment for the Rambo types. :)

It was great.when they alternated Vegas and Orlando, last show I made was Orlando. I wish I could afford the Vegas trip to do the show. Hopefully they bring the show east again.
My best friend has a shooting supply business here in Phoenix and we go every year. This year something came up at the last minute and he had to cancel but I went. I always enjoy the show, seeing the vendors like John Kreiger, Dave Kiff, Dave Manson, Jim Kelbly and others that we do business with. (we as in we Benchrest shooters) This year I missed Shiraz (Papa Grizzly) as he was home with his wife. She had a serious knee injury and he had to stick close by home.

Each year, the tactical portion of the show is larger than the year before. This year was the worst. I have nothing against tactical guns or those that have them. There is a limit however. this year one vendor had a guy dressed in black leathers, (nothing wrong with that), tattooed from head to foot, (nothing wrong with that), various pieces of metal protruding from his body (I didn't care for it but still that is his choice). He was wearing a pair of bandoleers across his chest, (still nothing to get upset about), he was also wearing a hat pulled down over his ears. The front of that hat had the word "PHYSCO" on the front of it. Advocating tactical guns and accessories for those "on the edge" is crossing the line. (in my opinion)
I estimate that 75% of the vendors at the show were offering either AR's, AK's, BMG's or accessories for the aforementioned "people" guns. My guess is that there were about a hundred assault guns for every sporting gun at the show. There is a statement there some where. There were lots of automated cartridge loading systems as well. Seems that everyone wants to sell loaded rounds because the demand is still very high. There were more 50 BMG's than I have ever seen before. There was even a group there advocating the "sporting uses of the 50 BMG" I have a difficult time thinking up justification for a 50 BMG. (and I am a wild thinker) There are not many ranges in the country that allow the 50's to be shot. Even in Phoenix, McMillian who builds 50's for the military had to have a special "bullet trap" (made from a dump truck) and has to account for every shot when they test fire their guns at the Ben Avery range. No other 50's are allowed to be shot. (even with a mountain for a backstop).

I did enjoy the show and will be back next year.

Earl in Phoenix