Bench for new mill


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Aug 5, 2020
Hacked up a bench for the new mill.
Not sure where I want it yet and how high etc so this was just a temporary bench build so I could see if I like the height etc
also can IMG-0297.jpgmove it around without needing the little engine lifter crane.
Looks sturdy enough, I'd be careful of the casters though until you've moved it a few times. Should be a useful piece if you end up building something different for the mill eventually.

Hopefully it is just temporary bench while I work out height placement etc.
I would prefer a steel bench but at the moment I don't have enough to make one.
Once I have decided on where it is going to go I think it will have a new steel bench.IMG_0303.JPG