Bridgeport Mill feed nut bracket


Dec 17, 2016
Help needed, putting together my Bridgeport mill,the feed nut bracket contains the split nuts for the X and Y axes. There are two oil feed lines attached to the bracket, question how are these feed lines secured into the bracket .One line has sheared off there seems to be some sort of ferrule securing the lines , how are they removed.
Any help appreciated
Thanks scouse49

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Here is a pic of mine after I replaced all the feed lines. My lines were just a push in fit.
My machine may be older than yours (series1, variable speed) . Hope this is of some help. Mike

You probably have a Bijur system on it, and they are held with ferrules. Usually they are 5/32" and available at a hardware store
Looks like they are just a press fit (about the 20 minute mark where he finally puts one in a hole)
If unsure, I would put oil resistance silicone rtv around it after cleaning it up with acetone or alcohol.