Briggs and Weaver

Yep, it was pretty common for a dealer to sell machines and put their "badge" on the machine when it was delivered to the buyer back then. Still done today.

That L & S is a late 1940's model "X" (1948-1951/2). I have a 1954 model X that is virtually identical except for the tail stock. L & S changed the design of the tailstock somewhere late 1953. Plus, that one has vee ways. L & S changed from the flat ways back to the vee ways around 1947-1948.

I could be wrong, that one probably had harden and ground ways. What a shame to let that equipment set out and rust. That would be a great restoration project to take on. Go for it!!!!
And that forlorn looking mill out in the field. :( The poor thing.
