Building a New Mower

The last couple of days have been very busy and productive.
I mounted and shimmed the spindles so they would all cut the same height.

I had some 1/4" cast acrylic plastic to use for the deck of the mower and had cut and screwed down several pieces. That was not a good choice as it was too brittle and would crack and split around the screws. So on to plane "B" and off to Home Depot for a sheet of Lexan. It was 0.177 thick instead of the 1/4" cast but I think it will actually last much longer and be able to flex with the mower. The Lexan is held on by 135 or so #12 self drilling screws. Now if you buy them in a box of 60 at Rural King they aren't too expensive but two boxes was not quite enough so off to the local hardware store where they were $0.35 each. That would have been close to $50 just for the bolts.
I installed the idler pulleys, belt guards and belts.

I think it turned out very well so far and take note the rubber plugs in the square tubing.
Front swivel wheels will be next.

Thanks for looking
We are now into the short rows as things get completed.
These are the support rails and cross braces for the mower. The mower is only attached to the tractor in two places close to the rear of the tractor and 16" apart. The mower is free floating up and down as it follows the contour of the ground.

The mounting to the tractor was very easy and all the holes lined up as they should.
It will never look this clean again.

This is a view from the rear and shows the large pulley that powers the mower.
The gear ratio is such that I run the tractor at about half throttle so it uses a little over 2 gallons of gas per mowing.
It takes me about 1 hour and 45 minutes to mow my 3+ acres.

All ready to go for another 10 years or so.

Thanks for looking
Looks great. Now if the grass would just grow.
Thanks Chris The weeds should be high enough soon.
