Er 40 chuck

I pick up a thread alittle differnt. With the threading tool back out of the threads move the carriage about an inch back from the part. turn lathe on and engage halfnuts and turn the lathe off when the tool gets to the threads about 2 or 3 threads in. Now wind the cross slide in to the threads . now losed the tool bit and slide it into the thread and squair it up and hand tighten back out and tighten in up . wind back in and check when you are happy with the alinement back the cross out just past the threads and turn lathe on and watch how it is tracking. Reverse the lathe back past the part and runn anouther air pass watching the tracking. When avary thing looks good start your threading feeding with the cross slide only do not use the compound. With a little practice you will get it.
a bit of an update .

i am finaly over my minor misshap . i have another piece of 4140 mounted on my spindle again . the spindle side of the chuck is finished , the register is a bit snugger then anticipated i may take it back off and put it back in the chuck to give it a quick polish .

i also broke down and bought a collet nut . i do not have quite enough material to make one so it can wait until i happen across something suitable.

tonight after dinner i will take some pics and get it threaded for the collet nut hopefully without any more mishaps .
i forgot to take pics as i was working , but the nut is on and i am pleased with the fit .
i did have a minor change of plans as i went . i had planned on facing off another .125 from the part . but i decided to just square the end up and leave the little bit of extra length as a cushion ,if i screw up the taper i can just shorten it up a bit and give her another try .

once i get the taper finished and the collet fitted properly i will finish the outside of the chuck , i doubt i do much beyond losing the sharp corners .


...i had planned on facing off another .125 from the part . but i decided to just square the end up and leave the little bit of extra length as a cushion ,if i screw up the taper i can just shorten it up a bit and give her another try ...

Good planning. That taper is about a one-in-seven, which means that for every 0.001" recut to adjust the taper, you loose 0.007" of depth...
Do you mind sharing the plans with me. Projectsinmetal site has been down for some years now.
Very late..... and the mirrored website doesnt have pictures or links. Hope some one on here does!
Very late..... and the mirrored website doesnt have pictures or links. Hope some one on here does!

Welcome to the Forum..... If you have a question just make a new thread everyone here will be very happy to help you....
Welcome to the forum.

Halligan142 has a 4 part you tube video on how to make one of these. Goes thru every step of the process to make one. I made one for my ER32 collets. Not hard. Have to be able to cut a 1.5mm metric thread.