Four (4) years old- september 15, 2014


Site Founder
Sep 22, 2010
:happybirthday2: HAPPY BIRTHDAY THE HOBBY-MACHINIST!:Happybirthday:

The site's official birthday is September 15, 2010, so, in 12 days, we are 4 years old!

I had the idea to start the site on September 10, 2010, but, we were hacked after my first attempt to get us up and running, so we really did not get continuously running until September 15th.

It has been a long, sometimes tortuous trail. Thankfully, Tony Wells came along to set me straight after
one of my worst mistakes ever, and we stayed on course with his guidance after that.
Rather than say the site continued, perhaps I should say, it survived, with your help.
Bless you all for that.

I tried to stay true to the mission of the site, and that is, to make it a place where
(a) we further machining as a hobby for the average Joe, and
(b) we teach others what we know, without spilling any blood
(c) we place the needs of our members over commercial purposes.
I also promised that the site would not be sold for commercial purposes. That promise has been kept.
We are now a not-for-profit. All monies from whatever source go back into the site.

As we enter our 5th year, I need you to think about 2 things. We need moderators to teach newcomers to the hobby the skills they need to become successful, and keep the skills alive. Second, we need people to move on from moderation to positions of leadership on the site. This means becoming a member of the board of directors of the site. Please consider stepping up, and contact Tony Wells or me if you wish to become more active. Thank you so much for making this happen, and continue.