Groj Sale Find


Active User
Jul 11, 2014
Friends asked the wife and I to go 'Groj' Sailin' this morning. Hadn't been out in a while, fighting a flu and it's aftermath. Been laid up for a week or so.

There were several community wide 'groj sails' so I decided to get myself out of the house and get some fresh air. Cold fresh air I might add.

I found a shop vac, two in fact, pro'bly give one to the son-in-law.

Then I saw this,


which contained this,


I know, I know, I don't need another one but for that price I couldn't pass it up.

When life throws something your way, catch it or someone else will.

Nice find. Did you figure out where to put the batteries in?:lmao:
Dang Jim, you beat me to the punch :)
Nice find by the way

Cheers Phil
They need batteries?!?!?!? I better get some new ones before mine go dead!

I agree, though, that is a nice find!
Nice ....I went shopping today too reamers and 18 mill cutters
Nice find. Did you figure out where to put the batteries in?:lmao:

It was difficult:thinking: but I figured it out; Ya remove the kinivlin pin, slide the demanipublative plate to the side and then if your very carful you can slide them in behind the pangenluminator bar.:laughinghard:
Holy carp! I never looked behind that plate before. Maybe thats why my dial stopped indicating.

Cheers Phil