Hand Cleaner - ALERT


Active User
Jun 25, 2013
A friend posted this and I cleaned up the language.

Post subject: Blue Label DL Hand Cleaner

Gone to heck!
Formulation changed due to California regulations because it had petroleum distillates in it. I have been buying Permatex brand but the last big tub I bought, I turned it upside down to install on the wall pump, and it all ran out like watery cottage cheese! Scooped it up and took it back... it's the new environmentally friendly product.. smells all pretty and nice now.. but it DOES NOT WORK!
I got nowhere through the dealer and rep so I called Permatex direct today and was told that it has all been changed due to regulations. Darn it!
Lots of different suppliers and brands used this same product for years, with different labels, surely they didn't all get it from one big waterless hand cleaner factory!
I'm hoping to find some old stock somewhere to buy up... if you use the stuff you had better go and get some.. but be sure to pop the lid and check what you are buying!

Jack Booted thugs at the EPA messing with us once again......
Look around (maybe amazon / ebay) for GOJO SUPRO-MAX. It's on the pricey side, but a little goes a long way. It's a gritty, pumice like cleaner that takes off everything I've ever tried (heavy grease, oils, paint, etc) but it doesn't destroy your hands. I think it has lanolin or something in it. I've been using it for several years and there's a $15 dispenser, the 2000ml box/bag lasts me a year or more for about a year at $25-30.
I use Fast Orange here, both plain and with pumice.
I posted just to alert those that use that brand.
I'm waiting for California to declare "Freedom" hazardous to your health!

I use a yellow pumice based product that comes out of the tub firm like playdoh. wet your hands and rub it in, then use a bit of water to get a really good lather and wash it off. It will even clean under your nails. I used all kinds of hand cleaner as a mechanic and that is the only one I will buy. I have even bought a tub when the co I worked for supplied hand cleaner and lava soap. I will go out in the shop and get the name off of the tub. a 10 Lb tub lasts for two or three years and costs 15 bucks. The pro brand cleaner and polish sellers for detail shops usually have it on their trucks. It smells like coconut and is nice and rough but not aggressive on your skin at all. Another alternative has recently been discussed on the 3 N 1 forum about using powdered Borax in a pizza parmesean shaker. Lots of ways to get clean without bleeding to do it...

Best stuff I've ever used is Solopol. Cleans exceptionally well and doesn't smell bad (or citrus-like). It uses ground up walnut shells as grit. I bought my pump bottle from Amazon. Phenomenal stuff!

I am using Orange-Glo (got a pack at Costco and it seems like it is going to last forever), but this Solopol looks pretty promising being solvent free and all. might give this one a try at some point.
I have found that both Solopol and GoJo are very harsh on my hands when they get old. I don't know if there's an expiration date on these items.

I also don't have a problem with the EPA keeping toxic waste out of my environment.