High School Student Needs Help with an English Project


Oct 8, 2014
Hey everyone. I just joined these forums. While I do want to go into machining as a career, the main reason I joined is because I have an english project that we are supposed to write 4-6 pages on a career of our choice for, and I chose manufacturing. I'm supposed to have 5 different sources including an interview. I figured this would be the easiest way to find someone who would help me. Basically, I have 10 questions that I need someone to answer however they want. I can post them on this thread if anyone is interested, or I can send someone a PM with them. They aren't very personal, but I do ask for a background (past jobs, education related to machining) and also opinion questions. Anyone who is willing to help would be really appreciated. Thanks :)
I would post your 10 questions in this thread and those who are willing to take your survey could reply via PM. Good luck with your paper.

Ok, that's probably a good idea. Thabks Chuck.

The questions are, in no particular order:
1. What are the requirements to get a job in this field?
2. What is the future of manufacturing/machining?
3. Do you think this field will grow in the coming years?
4. Why did you start working in this field?
5. How did you start off in manufacturing?
6. What kind of jobs have you had?
7. What kind of skills do you need for a job in this field, in your opinion?
8. What certifications do you have? (NIMS, college degree, on the job training, etc.)
9. What is your favorite part, or idea, of working in this field?
10. What is the most important thing to remember in Manufacturing, in your opinion?

Be as specific or as general as you would like. I will most likely need a way to contact you for my teacher to make sure I actually interviewed someone, and also a set date and location of when we "met". Even just saying we had a Skype call on this date would be enough. Again, thank you if you decide to help me.