Resolved How does chat work? Can't get it to do anything intelligent.


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2019
Is there any place that describes what one does? Sometimes I see Chat with a green number. Then what? I've clicked a few buttons but nothing happens. Can someone describe how it works, or what one needs to do? How do I know what room to join? Somewhat lost.
I don't use Chat but I can tell you that the appearance of a digit other than zero in the Chat tab means that someone has clicked the Chat tab and is in one of the chat rooms. AFAIK, there is no numeric indicator that someone has entered a message that you haven't yet read. I could be wrong on that but not on what the value of the digit indicates.
For the record, I'm using Chromium browser. I can try Firefox to see if there are more choices or if it works at all. I do have UBlock Origin on.
OK. I will add that although I seldom look at it, I've seen no indicators of posting activity but only that someone has checked into it.