How long does it take?....


Granite Stoopid...
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Apr 28, 2014
... To train yourself that the the ON/OFF on your latest lathe is on the carriage and not a drum switch up and to the left?

On most of my equipment all the power switches are up on the left side, either a drum switch or a Large red button switch.
I keep reaching in that direction when I'm using the 14x40, forgetting that "It's the lever down on the carriage - DUMMY..."
I even replaced the small-ish black knob with a big red knob, and yet... I'm having to take it slow and easy trying to get the feel of it.
At least I'm finally making chips on it!

I used Bridgeport mills at work for several decades and then got a small mill at home. The motor switch on the home mill was on the right side I never did stop reaching to the upper left to start/stop for the 10 years I used it. I've got a Bridgeport at home now.
Pretty soon it will be just automatic for you. Kind of like riding a bicycle. It won't take too long. The more chips you make the more natural it will be.
funny you are talking about muscle memory ...

i still press an imaginary tig pedal with my right foot when starting an arc, even when mig or stick welding :nuts:

i also catch myself wanting to push in the clutch on my truck even though i haven't had a manual transmission in better than 10 years