Jethro 2.0


Grumpy Gator

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Jethro turned 2 this week. When I rescued him he weighed just under 3 lbs. I put him on the scrap yard scale yesterday and he tipped the scale at 106 lbs.He still likes to sleep under my desk but it's a tight fit now.
jethro at 1 year old  & ellie 003.jpg Jethroat8weeks003.jpg
He still has his stuffed Tiger.
Ya know how that goes. I got my dog as the result of "baby sitting" her while my son was in Afghanistan a few years ago. She was 8 weeks old and looked like a fat little foot ball! She's now 4 years old and still with me. My son didn't have the heart to take her when he returned from his tour when he seen how devoted she was to me.She's now 120Lbs has her baby bear and "Bunny" toys. And God help anyone how tries to touch me.
Mr. French was a rescue. The family was moving and couldent take him with them.
Now hes my shop watchdog, when hes not snoozing, or eating, or........... wait a second, hes a terrible watchdog!!!!!! I love him just the same anyway.
Sent from somewhere in East Texas Jake Parker