Lathe opinions

the used one I am looking at appears to have most of the original tooling and claims to have very little use.

Happy New Year.

I am a recent buyer of a Grizzly G9249 (used) that is new enough that some of the tooling had not been used. I think it is a pretty goood machine for the money. To get the machine into the shop I put it on planks and rolled in. A neighbor gave me some 4" X 6" timbers for cribbing to raise the machine from the floor to bench level. After all the pushing, pulling and prying I ran a check on spindle alibnment to find that a piece of 1" steel was the same diameter near the 3 jaw chuck as it was about 4" away. A dial indicator also proved this test.

My only concern is the gears seem to be small (narrow) . I have had one problem but think I ,have it cured: that was the quick change levers hung up at one spot on the support shaft. Some cleaning and filing in the groove has overcome the problem. I think some grit or "schwarf" started the problem.

You are probably aware that Grizzly has all? of its manuals available on their website.

Good Luck
