Lathe Tooling Cart


Jul 25, 2011
You will guess that I maybe have a woodworking background, and have put these skills to work to accomodate the tooling that came with my 1920's Monarch.

I happened to have a suitable wood cabinet from an university surplus sale that is just the right size to fit between its legs, and once I added HD casters and a galvanized drip tray from an auto parts store as a chip pan, the height was just right too.

Another timely bit-o-scrounging produced two pairs of Accuride filing cabinet slides, which you can see below are used to hold two trays for the larger chucks, etc. I used 3/4" ply drilled with appropriate holes to accomodate the chuck and face plate shanks, so they wouldn't shift when I pull the 'drawers' out. A pair of dowels hold the change gears nicely.

Inside the top drawer, I used 1.25" wide strips of 1/4 MDF glued to an MDF bottom to partition and support the smaller tooling. The drawer divider is inclined slightly (1/2") at the back to keep the tools nearer the front. The collet rack is made of 3/4" pine, with legs to raise it sufficiently high for the collets to sit nicely.

The cabinet didn't have a top, so I edged some 3/4" ply with Ipe (Ironwood), and cut it flush with the top using a flush-cutting router bit. Tung oil is the finish. How I have to get it downstairs to join the lathe...

Cart.JPG Collets.JPG Tools.JPG FacePlate.JPG TopPullout.JPG
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Fred - don't give up; these tools had been stored 15 years in a damp basement, and my 3-jaw was seized by rust, but it all cleaned-up. One trick is to soak things overnight in household vinegar, then rinse, brass or wire brush, fine steel wool with mineral spirits or WD-40 and wet/dry paper will get it ship-shape again and good for the next 90 years.
I'll second the vinegar trick for cleaning rust, I've used it successfully on several occasions. :)
Glad to see that you don't want to offend your lathe with any harsh breath. You know all the Altoid cans and Sorry guys couldnt resist. VERY nice cabinet!!
