Mill slide on mini lathe.


Aug 3, 2020
Today I attached the milling slide to my mini lathe. I had to make up the piece of angled steel as the attachment it came with was not lining up well with the slide.

I had no material to test so I cut up the ignition plate of a lawn mower to test. Works fine but you have to be slow but could get you out of a bind.

Screen Shot 2020-10-18 at 4.37.03 pm.png
You will want a mill soon ;)

I seriously entertained this route for a while, then I realized the money spent on the milling plate could simply be applied to reaching my goal of buying a mill a bit sooner. The fact my lathe only spins to 2500 RPMs would also be a limiting factor on cutting with smaller endmill bits as well.

For those only doing very small parts, and with very limited shop space, this can be a viable option.
As an owner of a milling attachment for my Clausing I can verify the need for rigidity. Patience is the key, smaller cuts and limited travel prevail. Yes it will get you out of a bind (I recall a woodrudff key seat) and as you are indicating a broader knowledge of what you can do with a dedicated mill.

Have a good day
Ray I agree, the money would have been better spent putting towards a milling machine, which I now intent to purchase in the next few months. I do feel however that if I didn't get this and use it I would have much less desire ( readingness to part with more cash ) for a dedicated mill.