Need help identifying a B-24

Braeden P

Sep 1, 2020
My dad recently picked up this photo at an auction, spent an hour looking for which one it could be based off the nose art, no luck. The number on the nose is 610. The date is 12/5/43 I cannot read the name on the back fully. Hoping one of you can tell which group it was a part of or even the serial number.image.jpgimage.jpg
If I had to guess (and I’m going to) I make that name on the back to be “Cushner”. Not real common, but I did a quick search and oddly enough there was a Cushner in the Air Force 1943. Could be totally off base, my search really hasn’t been exhaustive, but it is kind of weird…
You may have better or more positive results if you can ID the plane and go from there.

If I had to guess (and I’m going to) I make that name on the back to be “Cushner”. Not real common, but I did a quick search and oddly enough there was a Cushner in the Air Force 1943. Could be totally off base, my search really hasn’t been exhaustive, but it is kind of weird…
You may have better or more positive results if you can ID the plane and go from there.

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He lived in the area were the auction was. He is probably in the photo just can’t tell who. That’ll probably help with finding the rest.