Need some input

Thought maybe it was a site sponsor...and the guy who suggested it has matthew in his name...thought it was a connection there
Precision Matthews is definitly a site sponsor here.

Unfortunately no relation to me however....

My suggestion wasn't necessarily to buy their equipment (although many on here have and are happy with it), just that they do have floor space diagrams in their user manuals that will give you an idea of what size machine can fit into what size space. Don't forget to leave room for the operator too....

John Matthews (I think the name is in a book somewhere)
I checked out the site...thank you for the link....but I have NO experience...I need something to learn on ...I do understand that buying one of those new machines would probably make learning easier....but gotta learn to walk first...then (hopefully ) move up to something like them
If the South Bend is still availble for $400 and everything moves when you turn the cranks I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

Learning how to run a lathe should be the first thing IMHO, there are many, many basic and advanced operations to master that will set a firm foundation for anything else you want to do.

It will also give you time to figure out what to do with all that other stuff so you can fit bigger machines into your space....
