Newbie Insert Parting Blade Question

Yep, just push it in. Sometimes I will tap it in LIGHTLY once or twice with a wood or plastic file handle to "seat" it. Do not use anything hard on it (metal of any kind).
A couple of things to think about when using this type of part off blade on your lathe.
Keep your RPM's up, don't run it slow like you would with HSS blade.
Use your favorite cutting fluid and lots of it!
And stop about 1/8" to 3/32" diameter at the center. And either use your hacksaw to cut off the nub or break off by hand.
On smaller lathes where rigidity is an issue, you will chip the tip of the insert if you go to exact center.

cut off tools are very sensitive to tool height. Tubal Cain, a retired shop teacher has a 4 part series on using the cut-off tool. The operation is called "Parting"

I recommend watching all his videos. He spent his whole career teaching people how to use machine tools and does a very good job on his tutorials.


I'm pretty familiar with parting, but i've always used hss parting blades. Since this was my first insert parting blade, I wanted to make sure I had the insert seated properly before I used it.