RPC help....

I would do some serious checking elsewhere not related to the RPCs. I notice its a metal building. Is there some kind of potential on the metal walls to ground? The other thing that comes to mind is transformer action somewhere.

Not that this is your problem, but for instance, I had a 100' extension cord wound on a metal spool to keep everything neat and only uncoil what was needed. Well, when coiled up, the transformer action put 90+ volts on the extension cord ground wire and on the steel case of a router that was plugged into it. Nothing tripped, worked fine. Lit me up when another part of my body touched an actual ground while I held the router.
Good point, David. Metal buildings should be grounded with their own rod (electricians please correct me on the NEC here). Measure between the building and a driven rod for potential. The rod should be 8' in the ground. If you have a good hammerdrill, you can rig up a socket that will drive for you, so it's not all that bad.
Thanks every one!! I do believe the whole building is grounded. I'll check that out and everything else out tonight. I've been a little scared to touch it still lol. I'm half tempted to go with a static converter now. Again,
thank you all for the help.

Armed with a ohm/volt meter I think some detective work is in order. Feed back, caps even static elec.
gives a good kick. Like the certain winter day= cat smells the basebord (heat) and flys into the ceiling zap!
An then stringing a clothes line in the basement, I somehow grabbed a gas pipe and water pipe and
got zapped. I got a "leak" reading around 50 Vac. ????? panel grounded to water. So for years I left it
that way. Solved years later the water dept are replacing curb cocks over X yrs old, I go and watch when
they dug it up --
I never though my service was PVC water pipe. So I moved the ground to the gas pipe. end of that