Shaper the most misrable *$(#&$)


Active User
Nov 21, 2010
Friday I finished up one job, now for the next operation to make the machine set up,
set the stroke and now the ram adjustment just free wheels it was fine on the last
job. Something come undun. (Atlas 7B) I really dont want to remove the ram. The
parts book is no help. So I remove the oil drip pan, then adjust to longest stroke,
remove ram lock and push ram to the rear and find out its the bevel shaft gear.
I finally got out a bushing, gear, and three thrust washers. Come to find out, its a
set screw 1/2 long that goes through gear bushing and shaft. After I got a new set
screw I found the missing with a magnet. Then I proped the ram up with two sticks,
and fought this atleast six hours with no avail. Mirrors all my tricks. You cant take
the ram off cause the screw goes through the ram housing. So this is day two, I
just cant find the hole in the shaft, I even marked it. Today Ill try an ice pick until
my back gives out. Must have assembled this upside down. Has any one been there
and done this, with out a total breakdown. I cant pop the crank pin cause Im all
alone and need four hands. just gotta find this through hole
Send it to me I'll wrassel with it:biggrin: That's about the only machine left on my wish list ....
Besides a tool grinder, horizontal mill, arbor press, bead roller, English wheel, Pullmax, DRO's for mill & lathe, CNC plasma cutter, & a couple more small things
Right on Charley, beleive it or not with all the stuff in this shop, the stupidest idea looking at me in the
trash can, a straw, I lined the through hole with a minie phillips stuck the setscrew in the straw got it
started, back in business, yes I put locktight on it.