Thank God for this forum and You Tube my VFD is not junk!


H-M Supporter - Sustaining Member
H-M Platinum Supporter
Aug 29, 2019
In other post I have asked for help getting my VFD's programed and for 2 years I thought they were both defective. Here is proof that with enough help and willingness to learn an Idiot can program a VFD. I am attaching a video of it actually working running a used 3 phase motor I picked up locally last week. I can buy 3 of these used motors for what one cost used on Ebay and didn't even have to pay freight. The table the motors are on is one I built for lifting my vices onto the mill tables and chucks on and off of my lathes. What you don't see is the hydraulic motorcycle lift that I bought at a garage sale for 45 dollars. The bottom of the table bolts to the top of the lift and I can raise it about an inch or so above my mill table height if need be.


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You give me hope; I'm a newbie for this sort of stuff too. How new? How do you spell VFD?
Good job! That looks like one of those Huan Yang VFDs. I programmed one of those for a friend of mine and
it wouldn't run his 10 foot brake so I built him up an RPC that does the job. He still has the VFD and offered to
give it to me but the manual is now missing. I remember that manual well trying to read the "Chinglish" to set
the parameters.
Good job! That looks like one of those Huan Yang VFDs. I programmed one of those for a friend of mine and
it wouldn't run his 10 foot brake so I built him up an RPC that does the job. He still has the VFD and offered to
give it to me but the manual is now missing. I remember that manual well trying to read the "Chinglish" to set
the parameters.
I have a PDF file of the manual if you want me to post it. I may just post it in the files section here