the most powerfull sewing machine motor

No I just used a 1/4" aluminium plate and some aluminium channel, wow just adding photos is not a easy task. Possible you can see them on my Facebook page. Well maybe upload file will do. If you need more detail
let me know but it is really simple without the stock mounting bracket.

20170105_135840.jpg 20170105_135859.jpg 20170105_135926.jpg
Others have done away with the footpedal. For me it works out great.

I will eventually have foot pedals on all of my machines. It frees my hands.

So far on my mill I am very pleased, course I am new to any machine shop operations so I am just learning.

Hopefully soon I will be putting one on my Craftsman 12x36 lathe.

I have also thought of putting one on my bandsaw.

For the price of them they are hard to beat.
