They're getting even for not putting up the Halloween decorations.


Florida Machinist Group Moderator
Feb 7, 2014
Yesterday I was cutting a slot with the little CNC mill in semi auto mode when it started making clunking noises. Then it started skipping steps, and finally it froze up. The little steeper motor chunking away with no movement. Pulled the motor and the X screw was hard to turn with a wrench. After checking bearings and lube and all else I could think of, the only thing left was the gibs were too tight. Sure enough, it loosened up when the screws were backed off a bit. Now I've had them get loose before but never had them tighten themselves. Plenty of lube and no heat build up, but somehow the metal expanded, or something snuck into the shop and twisted the screws. We used to explain away such improbable occurances as bubbles of quantum uncertainty bursting nearby... but being near the ghostly time of year....

We always blamed that kind of stuff on the machine shop gremlins that only came out at night and broke things.
You know what I mean you'd come in the next day and something was broke but nobody knew what happened.

On yours I'd pull the gib and make sure a chip didn't get lodged in there and gall things up.
I blame that sort of thing on the woodchuck. He sneaks up into the shop at night and uses my tools to repair his excavating machines. He never puts anything away, either.
EFM. It's always EFM.

What is EFM??? Evil Flying Monkeys of course. That or Extraordinary Flippin' Magic. :cussing:
Gremlins dude. Don't feed them after midnight, and never ever get them wet. :)
Yup, gremlins are good for trouble too. Except when it comes to electronics. Computers and other electronic items depend on Magic Smoke for proper operation. Whenever my TVs, radios, or computers give up, it is always right when a bunch of that Magic Smoke comes out.

Ya, I know..... :nuts:
I blame that sort of thing on the woodchuck. He sneaks up into the shop at night and uses my tools to repair his excavating machines. He never puts anything away, either.

Yea, then the little b@$+@®ds throw all my firewood into the pond!!! :mad::mad::mad:

Jake Parker