TIG adjustable stool


Feb 7, 2013
Being somewhat of a scavenger, I found along the road an office chair and
a bunch of tires that some low like had dumped off conveniently on the county
road ditch. The chair looked like it might have possibilities so I loaded it up and took it
home for parts. I was interested in the seat and threaded rod parts mostly. After a bit of
disassembly and welding I came up with a three legged stool that is adjustable vertically
with a cushioned seat. I'm not completely satisfied with the seat and may opt for a round
wooden seat similar to a what a piano would have. Anyway, here is a photo of the end
result as it is presently. I will likely laminate some wooden blocks and fabricate a seat better
to my liking. In the meantime, I can test it out at the TIG table and see if it is going to fit the bill.
A chair was too low and my shop stool was a little high so maybe this will work out. Also I went
with a three legged milk stool style as it will sit securely on any surface.

The seat is somewhat oversized so probably will have to turn out something smaller in wood. On the left is the 4 leg original base that had three of the 4 wheels
remaining. I didn't want wheels on a three legged stool as it would not be very stable. It will look a lot better with the wood seat and a coat of green paint
to match the TIG table,
Today I had time to work on the TIG stool and located a nice piece of white oak 2x6 that was good and dry.
It was cut into three 12 inch pieces and glued together with Gorilla glue and three Jorgenson clamps.
Then I mounted it up my rotary table and milled it round. A round off router bit was used to smooth off the edges.
My matching green paint for the table is at the other shop so paint will have to get done later. Anyway, it's
pretty much done and I can test it out. P1030284.JPGAbout all I used of the desk chair was the threaded rod so the rest can go to scrap except for the seat which may have
possibilities on my Wheel Horse tractor. Sorry about the messy shop.:rolleyes:
At least the threaded rod worked out. :)

(… from the salvage; I like where you ended up with your wood top.) I recently switched from an office chair to a drum stool for my TIG seat.
At least the threaded rod worked out. :)

(… from the salvage; I like where you ended up with your wood top.) I recently switched from an office chair to a drum stool for my TIG seat.

Time will tell the story I guess. With one of the three stool legs pointed forward, one can lean to the left or right if needed on just two
legs of the stool maintaining balance with one's feet. Also one can rotate a little on the seat if necessary. So in time when I have
some new project, I will find out if my stool it worth it's salt.